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In this episode of “The Business of Blueberries,” host Kasey Cronquist, president of the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council (USHBC) and the North American Blueberry Council (NABC), discusses the tactics and leverage retailers across the country have experienced with the Grab a Boost of Blue campaign. The audio is taken from the retail-focused session at The Blueberry Summit last month in Nashville. You’ll also hear from Don Ladhoff, president of FreshSmartSolutions.
“I really believe it’s one of the strongest marketing message calls to action that I’ve seen out there, and really wanted to be able to show the power that it has. So, I reached out to a number of retailers. …The results strongly validated the power of Grab a Boost of Blue and what it can do for retailers in delivering added blueberry sales.” – Don Ladhoff
“Retail dietitians are absolutely in favor of helping us promote the boost of blue message. The head dietitian at United thanked me for bringing this opportunity to her so that she had another reason to get behind blueberries and promote that. So, a very willing audience there.” – Don Ladhoff
Topics covered include:
- A review of the impact of the Grab a Boost of Blue campaign across seven retailers nationwide.
- Feedback from retailers and a discussion of the most significant factors affecting their consumers’ purchasing decisions.
Crop Report
The Blueberry Crop Report is an update on crop conditions and markets throughout important blueberry growing areas. Today you’ll hear from Mario Ramirez in Mexico and Luis Vegas in Peru. This was recorded on November 9, 2022
Blueberry Boost
The next big blueberry event is The Blueberry Convention, taking place February 21-24, 2023, in San Diego. Join us for inspiring keynotes, innovative technology, business solutions and networking opportunities. Reserve your seat for The Blueberry Convention here.