By engaging directly by serving on committees and in other leadership capacities, you can play an important part in shaping the future of our industry and ensure the next era of growth and innovation.
USHBC promotion efforts have had a significant and positive impact on blueberry consumption and growers’ revenues and profits:
in average annual blueberry consumption 2014-2018
571M pound
in blueberry demand from 2014-2018
in growers revenue between 2000-2018
Source: An Economic Analysis of Domestic Market Impacts of the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council, Harry M. Kaiser, Cornell University, February 1, 2020.
Learn More About Our Impact:
Improve your business. Expand your network.
Inspire the future of blueberries.
“It goes further than just blueberries. These are just good people. ”
Jeff Malensky
President at Oregon Berry Packing