New Jersey has many available resources and opportunities regarding grants and funding assistance programs, as well as other financial and aid services.
New Jersey Department of Agriculture (NJDA)
The NJDA Grants page provides a comprehensive list of state and federal grants available to New Jersey producers.
NJDA Wildlife Fencing Program – Cost-share program for the installation of wildlife fencing on unpreserved farms.
Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Program – Competitive grant funding for projects that aim to enhance the capacity of aggregating, processing, manufacturing, storing, transporting, wholesaling, and distributing locally and regionally produced food products.
NJ Specialty Crop Block Grants
NRCS Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) – State Competition
The NRCS Conservation Innovation Grant (CIG) State Competition is a competitive program that supports the development of new tools, approaches, practices, and technologies to further natural resource conservation on private lands.
The CIG state component emphasizes projects that benefit a limited geographical area. New Jersey announces funding opportunities for the state component of CIG on every other year.
Click here for more information about New Jersey’s CIG program.
Rutgers NJ Agricultural Cooperative Extension & Experiment Station (NJAES)
The Philip E. Marucci Center for Blueberry and Cranberry Research and Extension is a substation of the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (NJAES) of Rutgers University located in Chatsworth, NJ (Burlington County).
NJAES Contacts:
Atlantic County Agricultural Agent:
Dr. Gary C. Pavlis
Phone: 609-625-0056
[email protected]
Extension Entomologist:
Dr. Cesar Rodriguez-Saona
Phone: 609-726-2531
[email protected]
Extension Pathologist:
Dr. Peter Oudemans
Phone: 609-726-2537
[email protected]
Extension Weed Science Specialist:
Dr. Thierry E. Besancon
Phone: 609-726-2538
[email protected]
Blueberry Breeding Program:
Gina Sideli
Phone: 609-726-2530
[email protected]
Fruit IPM Agent:
Dr. Janine Spies
Phone: 848-932-3590
[email protected]
NJAES Publications:
- The Blueberry Bulletin – Published on a weekly basis during the growing season and contains information on all aspects of highbush blueberry production and marketing.
Plant & Pest Advisory – Provides seasonal updates focusing on insects, diseases, and weeds of importance to NJ Commercial Growers.