State Resources: Georgia


Georgia blueberry growers have growing support in 2024 from government programs such as grants, loans, cost share, and federally supported insurance including drought and catastrophic, covering things such as rain, hail, and floods.

As input costs rise and market prices drop, growers are simultaneously competing against imports.  All of this makes it more difficult to continue to be a producer and increases the need for assistance to this vital part of the economy and our way of life.

Georgia State Senator and blueberry farmer Russ Goodman is working diligently to find solutions for farmers.  Unfortunately, he feels due to Georgia’s “Gratuity Clause” there is little to no “free money” available for the average grower.

Georgia Department of Agriculture (GDA)

In 2024, GDA Launched a $7.1 Million Grant Program to fortify Georgia’s food supply chain. Fruit and vegetables growers are eligible.  Click here for more information. 

University of Georgia Cooperative Extension (UGA)

The Working Farms Fund 

The Working Farms Fund makes it more affordable to own and invest in the most important part of a farm business – land. 

Farmers who are ready to expand their farm business will work with the Working Farms Fund to achieve landownership in 3 to 5 years. This patient pathway to land ownership allows farmers to invest in their business while gradually working toward purchase of the land.

Farmers in the Working Farms Fund have support from The Conservation Fund and network of farm resource partners who will invest in:

  • Access to farmland at an affordable farming value,
  • A pathway to farmland ownership through a lease-to-own model,
  • Support in identifying and applying for farm business tools and federal programs,
  • Access to new and emerging markets,
  • Time to focus on investment in farm infrastructure and growing the farm business.

Georgia Grant Watch

Georgia Grant Watch is a library of agricultural and rural grants for nonprofits, businesses and individuals in economically distressed communities, agriculture research, agriculture education and community agriculture projects.

State Contact

Georgia Blueberry Growers Association